Jeffrey Battles, his wife Tiffany, son’s Jonathon and Zion and daughter Tatiana are the founders and executive director of Impact Nations global. After years as a successful entrepreneur , Jeffrey knew his call to the nations could not wait another year.
In 2018 he began traveling throughout the world preaching the gospel. Throughout Africa and the Middle East. He and Tiffany have built orphanages in multiple countries and continue to fight each and every day to help just 1 more. As trafficking and slavery of children is elevating across the world team Impact has gone on the offense to defend, rescue and house many children globally to let them know that God hasn’t forgotten them.
Their partnership with Eternal Life tv to share the love of Jesus to the entire world has been a dream come true according to Jeffrey. “As an evangelist, we pray each day for a harvest of souls and eternal life TV opens doors and reaches homes that we could never reach on our own. This is a true definition of greater works. 7.7 billion souls is our mission together. Jeffrey and his family continue to travel the world multiple times each year to fight for souls and children all while continuing to run businesses in between. Mark 16:15 Matthew 25:35-40