Pastor David Connell along with his wife Kate and three daughters reside in Hastings, New Zealand – the first place in the world to see the new day.
David is the eldest son of Apostle Mike Connell and has carried in his heart from a young age a commitment to serve Christ, to love His family and build His Kingdom.
In 2010 after visiting Pastor Anwar in Pakistan, David felt the Holy Spirit speak to stand with him in his vision for Isaac Tv. In 2011 he relocated his young family to Pakistan to help get Isaac Tv off the ground as a satellite Tv station.
Upon feeling the call of God to pick up his father’s legacy David and family returned to New Zealand a year later where he successfully completed a Masters of Business Administration majoring in Leadership Succession. During this time David was appointed as the lead pastor of the church his father pioneered, and successfully led the church through the transition process.
It’s a great joy to see the development of Isaac Tv to now become Eternal Life Network and to continue to be a part of it.